Our Plant Nursery

WHITE SANDPAPER VINE- RARE- Petrea volubilis alba- 125 mm pot


                                                             PETREA VOLUBILIS ALBA                                                                   

                                                                    WHITE SANDPAPER VINE
Petrea volubilis alba is a member of the Verbenaceae family.

This is a rare form of Petrea volubilis with masses of pre white flowers in spring, summer and autumn.
It will require a trellis or other form of structure to climb up on.

It is slightly drought tolerant attracts birds, butterflies and bees.

It is evergreen with rough sandpaper like leaves. It prefers full sun and possible light shade.
Average well drained soils would be best with average watering.
                                                         THIS IS A CROUD PLEASING VINE!

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                                                                         WHITE SANDPAPER VINE
Petrea volubilis alba is a member of the Verbenaceae family.

This is a rare form of Petrea volubilis with masses of pre white flowers in spring, summer and autumn.
It will require a trellis or other form of structure to climb up on.

It is slightly drought tolerant attracts birds, butterflies and bees.

It is evergreen with rough sandpaper like leaves. It prefers full sun and possible light shade.
Average well drained soils would be best with average watering.
                                                                THIS IS A CROUD PLEASING VINE!

Additional information

Weight 2.2 kg
Dimensions 45 × 16 × 16 mm


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